Videos related to the topic Christian Biologists.
Watch them here on the site, or watch them on YouTube or the original site.
Bioethics: Are Biologists Opening Pandora’s Box?

Evolutionary Genetics and Human Evolution
Are We Slaves to Our Genes?
Fossils and the Discovery of Earth History
Science as a Christian Vocation
My Journey from Atheism to Christianity
The Language of God
The Paradox of Human Uniqueness and Darwinian Continuity
The Society of Catholic Scientists
The Evolution of Human Beings Is Inevitable; so where are the ET’s?
The Society of Catholic Scientists
The Catholic Church and Modern Science: A Glorious History
University of Notre Dame, McGrath Institute for Church Life
Does the Bible Agree with Science?
Richard Dawkins vs John Lennox: Has Science Buried God?
God, science, and Faith