
Niels Arboel
Born in 1951, MSc in Biology and BA in Christian Studies from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, has 33 years of experience as a teacher at senior high school and college levels. He has published several books on biology, religion, and political science, some of them translated into other languages.
– to discuss subjects of current interest, relevant to Christian biologists and other people who are interested in those subjects
– to discuss fundamental or philosophical issues at the interface of biology and Christian thought
– to educate the public about the harmony between biology and Christian faith
– is based on the Apostolic tradition of the Christian Church and the divine inspiration and trustworthiness of the Bible in matters of faith and conduct
– welcomes any serious believer of other religions, including Islam, and even atheists, to take part in this discussion
– rests on the premise of biological evolution as shared by the scientific community, recognizing that evolutionary theory is still developing and also that evolution may be interpreted in a theistic as well as an atheistic way
– does not want to become a haunt of creationists, adherents of ID, or other pseudoscientific groups
– God is the Creator, the source of all life
– the study of nature, aided by reason, may lead to the recognition of the existence of God and some of his attributes, such as his power, order, and beauty
– the universe came into being out of nothing, around 14 billion years ago (the ‘Big Bang’)
– the properties of the universe appear to have been precisely tuned for life and even human life
– humans are part of the evolutionary process, sharing a common ancestor with the great apes – humans are also unique in ways that defy evolutionary explanation and point to our spiritual nature.