Theistic evolution

We fully support the scientifically approved theory of evolution, originally based on Charles Darwin. However, we must distinguish between science and the philosophical interpretation of science. So, whereas many biologists have adopted an atheistic interpretation of the evolutionary process, we affirm a theistic interpretation, recognizing that every step in this process has a Divine cause as well as a natural cause. God and nature work together simultaneously, at fundamentally different levels: Each new creation comes totally and immediately from God as the primary cause and totally and immediately from another creature as the secondary cause.
Another way of putting it is that we favor God’s providential rather than interventionist activity in the origin and operation of the universe and life: His subtle and indirect activity through the uninterrupted natural processes.
This is called theistic evolution. So, while the atheists say: ‘Science is the only source of truth’, we say: ‘There are truths that science cannot touch’ and even: ‘Truth in science is never final, and what is accepted as a fact today may be modified or even discarded tomorrow. This is an essential characteristic of the scientific method.’
We do not have any problem with humans having a common ancestor with chimpanzees around seven million years ago and with other primates and even the whole of nature further back in time. Is it not wonderful that we are connected with the whole of Creation? At the same time, humans are unique and endowed with a spiritual nature, too.
The internet is full of references to the creationist movement Intelligent Design, which disapproves of Darwin and does not respect the scientific method, whereas ‘theistic evolution’ is rarely mentioned. Nevertheless, theistic evolution is shared by the vast majority of Christian biologists and even the Pope.
Again – we should distinguish between science and the interpretation of science, so there is nothing wrong with using ‘intelligent design’ as a philosophical or religious interpretation of science, in fact, this is normal for Christians. However, people who use it as a scientific theory confuse the relationship between biology and the Christian faith.
Francis Collins has introduced another word for theistic evolution: ‘BioLogos’, which is easier to pronounce. It points at the word ‘bios’, meaning life, and ‘Logos’ or God – so, BioLogos expresses the belief that God is the source of all life.